Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Lovely Forest Service Wareyard

So!  My new home for a little while.  The ware yard is definitely a ware yard.  Poul raked up all the tumble weed and stickies, so we can at least get out our door!  The trailers in the background belong to the other summer interns -- 3 incredibly nice young women.

My first day was spend in the BLM office, completing a 3-1/2 hour defensive driving video class.  Apparently for the past several years the BLM has lost at least one vehicle each summer because of intern now we all have to be tested before we drive government trucks!   Then the director of the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry gave another intern and I a whorlwind tour of the BLM land near the quarrry -- the "Little Grand Canyon" of the San Rafael Swell.  Gorgeous!  Photos to follow!

Today I spent several hours out in the field on a special project.  Needless to say, as you can see from the cloudless blue sky, I am sunburned -- total farmer's tan!
I'll update as frequently as I can.

Thanks to my sisters for the well-wishes!  It will definitely be a summer to remember.  I loved the haiku! 


  1. Jealous of your lack of veg. For all we know, Seattle has a "Little Grand Canyon," too, but it is buried under cursed blackberries and Douglas-firs. Please post your photos of bare rocks so that I can geologize vicariously.

  2. Oh sister Carla, so interesting and what an adventure, thanks for sharing. Dave and I will be following. Be safe. Sissy

  3. What a wonderful Adventure - enjoy, drive safely and come back to us because we miss you. Thalia
